I’ve got a sinatra-based app that relies on sessions and I need to test them. After doing a little digging, here was the solution I was able to come up with: 1. Make sure that you’re setting your RACK_ENV to ‘test’ ( I do this in my Rakefile ) 2. Disable sessions in your app when in test? 3. when you make a request that requires a session, pass ‘rack.session’ => {} in the environment hash
See an example of this in my app:Picklespears
Here’s the breakdown of the code,
In the Rakefile:
In the app (picklespears.rb)
if test?
set :sessions, false
set :sessions, true
And finally, in the test itself (test/test_player.rb)
post '/player/update', { :name => 'new_name' }, 'rack.session' => { :player_id => player.id }