Over the Christmas holiday I wrote a few posts for the Perl advent calendar. I'd like to share them here, if only for posterity. I believe you should be able to view the archived original.
Perl Advent Calendar 2006-12-17
Yule Log-Rolling
by Ben Prew
When running automated processes, I find it incredibly useful to have some sort of logging setup, so that I can see how long certain parts of processing take. Or, even more importantly, if the process dies, I can better determine what it was doing shortly before it bit the dust.
At work, we have many automated and semi-automated processes that run at a scheduled time. These processes all log to the same directory, which makes it easier to find them. Also, I would like to automatically rotate new files when they show up in this directory, and not have to deal with any sort of configuration file.
I could have done this with logrotate, or some other process, but I like doing things in Perl, and I didn't want to interfere with existing archiving processes on the box. With Logfile::Rotate I can eat my bûche de Nöel and have it too.
If I wanted to write a separate script to rotate all the log files for me, it might look something like mod17e.pl (external):
1 #!/usr/bin/perl;
3 use Logfile::Rotate;
5 my @logs = map {
6 my $file = $_;
7 Logfile::Rotate->new(
8 File => $file,
9 Gzip => 'lib',
10 Dir => '/var/logs/dev.old',
11 Post => sub { unlink $file } ); } ;
13 for (@logs) { $_->rotate() }
The default behavior is to leave an empty log file in the directory, but all my processes will create their own files, if needed, so I would rather just remove the file. This was easy to add with the Post argument.
Another benefit of Logfile::Rotate is that unlike an external binary, I can embed it in my existing code. All of our current logging is done though a mix-in, so I've got a single point of contact for each process that runs, regardless of where it logs to.
This method is called log(), and it handles all the logging for each file, as well as knowing which file to log to. This also gives me more flexibility in how each log is rotated. A rotation could be triggered by the process catching a signal, the number of logged messages exceeding some threshold, the time elapsed since last rotation, or the log growing too large (in an effort to avoid filling the partition), etc.
So, if I wanted to rotate each log file at 100 Mb, regardless of when it was last rotated, the code might look something like mod17i.pl (internal):
1 sub log
2 {
3 my ($self, $message) = @_;
5 # logging stuff here.
7 if ( ( -s $self->filename ) > 100_000_000) {
8 Logfile::Rotate->new(
9 File => $self->file_name,
10 Gzip => 'lib',
11 Dir => '/var/logs/dev.old',
12 )->rotate;
13 }
14 }
Having the log files rotate themselves, how great is that! Now we don't have any other external scripts or configurations to maintain. Of course, the downside to this approach is the implicit stat() on each call to log(), but it shouldn't add too much overhead. This can even be alleviated if there is only one process that writes to the log file, since you could then have a counter that is initialized to the current size of the file and then adds the size of the message to the counter. Then, once the counter reached 100_000_000, you could rotate the log file.
Log::Dispatch::FileRotate, logrotate(8)